
July 23, 2007

Blogs you should be up on

Just got back from a short trip to L.A., always nice to be over there on the west coast. I wanna thank everyone for passing through the site showing love. Don't be afraid to post some comments on the posts or on the C-Box, let me know what you think about the site, and if you link me up I'll link you up. Here are three blogs well worth checking out for some good music...

Fans of the Stretch Armstrong Show should check out Stretch's blog, filled with old KCR shows, rare joints, and some other treats.

For those who know Soulman from the world of beats website, or his many mixtapes, you should check out his newest blog. He's putting up some old mixes, remixes, and random treats with some good write-ups.

Mr Mass at Masscorporation has a grip of old mixes you can download. Classic mixes to recent mixes, everything from break mixes, hip hop mixes, to mash ups from the best who do it.


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