I just wanted to drop a line to all the regular readers of this blog to inform you all that I'll be stepping aside from the blog game to focus on other things. Being back in school demands most of my time, and I'll soon have to plan for after graduation, so the blog is going to have a take a back seat. It's been enjoyable, for the most part, providing exclusive material for the past two years, but I'm sure as many of my fellow bloggers can understand, this is hard work that can be very time consuming.
I want to thank everyone who's helped me work on this site during the past two years, all the guest bloggers, all of the artists I have interviewed, all of the artists whose music I have posted, and also everyone who has shown support through comments, e-mails and visits to Dirty Waters. This may not be the official ending of the site, but posting from here on out will be considerably less. I've got plenty of treats in the archive, so be sure and check the back catalogue. The links that are dead I may not be able to re-up as I've changed computers twice in the past two years, but I would say a good 70% of the links on this blog are still active. Thanks to all for your support. Peace and Blessings.