
May 27, 2008

Getting Ready...

I got some really good stuff lined up for next month. Just wanted to let everyone know the one year celebration here at Dirtywaters starts June 1 and continues all through June. I want to thank everyone who has gotten invloved, and I'm asking everyone I've contacted who was gracious enough to offer a guest post to please send them over soon (if you haven't already). I will be sending you all annoying reminders via e-mail shortly but just wanted to give a heads up. Get ready for some bombs to be dropped....

Also, just a reminder, anyone out there is welcome to submit material for this site for the celebration (and any time really), so be sure and e-mail if you have something you'd like to see posted.


  1. Congrats & Happy Anniversary Nes! Keep the good music going and keep the good work up! Peace!

  2. thanks homie, got some good stuff on the way...
