Check out Q-bert's official youtube page with his Thudrumble crew. They've been throwing up a bunch of Q-bert's scratching sessions to promote the new scratch/battle records they have available. DJ Q-bert is just nuts, noone will ever come close to this dude's scratches, see for yourself...
May 30, 2008
May 28, 2008
Record Show...

All my Jersey heads- just wanted to spread the word about the upcoming record show @ the Holiday Inn on RT 22 West in Springfield this Sunday June 8th. Get your dig on fool...
May 27, 2008
Getting Ready...
I got some really good stuff lined up for next month. Just wanted to let everyone know the one year celebration here at Dirtywaters starts June 1 and continues all through June. I want to thank everyone who has gotten invloved, and I'm asking everyone I've contacted who was gracious enough to offer a guest post to please send them over soon (if you haven't already). I will be sending you all annoying reminders via e-mail shortly but just wanted to give a heads up. Get ready for some bombs to be dropped....

Also, just a reminder, anyone out there is welcome to submit material for this site for the celebration (and any time really), so be sure and e-mail if you have something you'd like to see posted.

May 24, 2008
I.G. Off & Hazardous/ Kwest the Madd Lad

I.G. Off & Hazardous are two unsigned, under the radar MC's that came up in the mid 90's. Fans of underground radio will remember them well, otherwise you might know their work with DJ Spinna on the 'Street Serenade' 12", the Lyricist Lounge LP's, or the Beyond Real Experience LP. This track I have here (taken from a Stretch & Bobbito tape) I'm pretty sure was never pressed on vinyl or released. I've seen some write ups on these guys here and there but never any mention of this track, a very early recording from them if not one of their first. 1994? 1995?
Also here are some genuine freestyles from the Stretch & Bobbito show from 1995 featuring I.G. Off and Kwest the Madd ladd. You'll here Bobbito shoot them the topic and the two of them go off the top over the Mass Appeal instrumental.
with Kwest
Everyone out there enjoy the memorial day weekend...
"Listening to old demos, that I cherish as momentos of the old school sound"
May 21, 2008
Drum Crazy 14 & Video Mix
Here we go with Drum Crazy part 14. After 13 of these, I'm really struggling to find records with open drums, but I have some good ones on here. Some of the records on this video are newly acquired, some I just plain forgot about. I'm up to 14 of these videos and each one is about 4-5 minutes long, on this one I played 17 different drum records in less than 5 minutes. For those interested, check out this Drum Crazy Video Mixtape I put together including all 14 drum crazies, over one hour of you boy Nes slamming drum records together. To view all of the drum crazy videos individually, check my Youtube page.
random videos
Here are two videos I didn't find available on youtube,
more videos on the way...
symphony pt 2
Cash Money & Marvelous
more videos on the way...
symphony pt 2
Cash Money & Marvelous
May 18, 2008
DJ Citizen Kane Interview

Those who hear the name 'Citizen Kane' may think of Orson Welles' Oscar winning film, but DJ's, record collectors, and NY party goers, know the name Citizen (Dennis) Kane from the incredible 'Selects 001' and 'Greatest Part' mixes he’s done along with Chairman Mao, the more recent 'Adult Section' CD, and the various parties he DJ's in NY. When seeing him spin live he's guaranteed to play stuff to keep a crowd moving. He's been holding down a spot at APT for nearly 8 years now and still going.
You may also remember Citizen Kane as one of the buyers/seller at A1 records back in the day. I'd imagine DJing for as long as he has and working as a record buyer/seller at A1, one would come up on a nice amount of gems, and indeed every mix I've heard from Citizen Kane has had some tasty rare treats as well as all around good tunes. Citizen Kane has great taste in music and plenty of it.
I'm surprised to see this music blog here reaching different countries, but what's even more surprising is when the site reaches the artists I feature on it. Dennis sent over an e-mail after hearing about the set I posted from his appearance on the CM Famalam show. He was nice enough to offer a track list for the set he spun, and take time to answer these few questions I had.
May 17, 2008
The Visuals

I just saw these guys had the new reissue out for their 1996 fondle em LP. This piece, original, sells in the $75-100 range on ebay and in record stores, not sure how many they originally pressed but I'm sure it wasn't that many. The new reissue has the collective works of both of them, including solo projects, and some radio appearances. Check Siah & Yeshua's myspace page for more info and song previews.
The radio freestyles from the Stretch & Bobbito and Halftime shows on the remastered CD only include little snippets, like a minute or so. For all you super fans out there, I got the full sessions. You know the deal, your boy has mad tapes and anal enough to label each one with the date...altogether they run about 20 minutes, enjoy...
Siah & Yeshua Radio Freetsyles
1) Siah & Yeshua along with Ken Bugaloo live on Stretch & Bobbito
October 1996, freestyling over De La Soul's 'Itsoeazee' and
Natural Resources 'They Lied' (10 minutes)
2) Siah & Yeshua live on Stretch & Bobbito July 1997 rhyming on
MF Doom's 'Dead Bent' (8 minutes)
3) Siah & Yeshua live on the Halftime Show, May 1998,
freestyling over Nots Click beat
May 13, 2008
May 9, 2008
Down with the King!

The DJ Muro set from New York Live 1996 (my first post) has acquired over 2000 downloads, probably the highest amount of downloads for any zshare link on my blog. I was wondering how so many people were finding it until someone shot me an e-mail letting me know DJ Muro posted the set on his blog (scroll to the very bottom of the page). Apparently Muro was looking for this set and found it through me! Thanks to google translation, here are words from the man himself:
I found it! ! ! ! NY my debut match. . NYU's College in 1995, ranking the radio when PLAY pattern. . . Vol landing in a click, I downloaded the whole world! ! !
I'm sure the translation is a little off, but you get the idea. He was also nice enough to include a link to the post and not just the zshare link which I am very thankful for. Just wanted to say peace to DJ Muro and everyone in Japan, if you read this, I am glad I was able to get this set to you, and keep up the great mixes! A quick recap on this set (DJ Muro's first DJ appearance in NY) I was literally blown away when I heard this, I rocked this tape so many times I'm surprised it survived all the plays, and I had no idea 12 years later I'd be hooking up the man himself with a copy...crazy
May 6, 2008
Be back in a minute...

I'll be taking a little break from posting for now to focus on some mix projects and other things, so stay tuned for more good stuff to come next month. (Maybe I'll have one or two more posts this month) This blogging thing is cool but before you know it you're sinking hours into it. Next month will mark one year of Dirty Waters so I'll try to have some treats lined up, exclusives, mixes, guest posts. In the meantime check the stuff already posted & leave some comments!
Speaking of guest posts, to celebrate I'm inviting bloggers and readers to write or submit material for a guest post, so if you would like to get involved, leave comments or e-mail. Peace to AndyMan for putting me down with some video treats and mixes, also peace to madnice, Rob C, Nat T, Mass, everyone out there who has blessed me with treats and collaborated with me this past year.
everyone worldwide, across the dirty waters and beyond. I added a Feedit widget to my page just to see what kind of traffic I have coming through the site here and I'm surprised to see visits from a number of different locations all over the globe, apparently over 50% of visits are from overseas; United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Hungary, Greece, Switzerland, Denmark, Poland, Estonia, Russia, Slovenia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Austrailia, Austria, Brazil, Chile, and all over the US. So peace to everyone out there checking for dirty waters, wherever you may be. Hopefully you all enjoy the site and hear some new/old exclusive stuff. Hit me up and let me know where ure visiting from if it's not too much trouble... be back soon, peace...
New York Live 1996

You can get an LP or a mix
practically anywhere in stores
or on the internet, especially nowadays with all the blogging and bootlegging going on, but for me, these old radio shows are the real gems. I'm going to try and up as many as I can because I really think they need to be heard and appreciated, especially for those who weren't around to hear them. I used to be dedicated to radio back in the day and still have fond memories from that time. I was a little too young for Mr Magic, Red Alert, Chuck Chillout, etc, but fortunately I get to catch them now so I'm happy to return the favor for all. Here is another one from my personal collection, a New York Live show from the summer of 1996 trimmed down from 90 min. to around 80 to fit on your average audio CD.
practically anywhere in stores
or on the internet, especially nowadays with all the blogging and bootlegging going on, but for me, these old radio shows are the real gems. I'm going to try and up as many as I can because I really think they need to be heard and appreciated, especially for those who weren't around to hear them. I used to be dedicated to radio back in the day and still have fond memories from that time. I was a little too young for Mr Magic, Red Alert, Chuck Chillout, etc, but fortunately I get to catch them now so I'm happy to return the favor for all. Here is another one from my personal collection, a New York Live show from the summer of 1996 trimmed down from 90 min. to around 80 to fit on your average audio CD.
This one isn't pause edited like a lot of my old tapes are, so you'll hear a straight mix from DJ Riz and the talking from Mayhem and Sunset, so vibe out and bring back memories, or get a feel for what the show was like if you've never heard it. The Raekwon rainy days remix was the exclusive when I taped this.
May 5, 2008
Check out this old footage of a Tribe Called Quest and
the Leaders of the New School being interviewed on the set
of the Scenario video shoot.
the Leaders of the New School being interviewed on the set
of the Scenario video shoot.
I pulled out a bunch of DVD's I made from VHS tapes,
more good stuff on the way...
May 2, 2008
Cold fact
This album from Jesus Rodriguez goes into my rotation every once in awhile. It's a pretty rare record from 1970 on the sussex label, but it's been re-issued a few times. This rip is probably from the 2002 re-issue. Some bluesy folk rock, good label, good year. Check his website for a thorough review.
Evil Dee is on the mix...

Here is another mix from DJ Evil Dee live on WKCR's 'Lord Sear Special' circa 2002. He plays some live old school performances, first Run DMC's 'Here we go', then a Grandmaster Flash & The Furious 5 live early 80's show. Flash is killing the breaks. Good Times, Love Thang, Funky music is the thing, etc. You'll also hear a live performance from Busy Bee.
Evil Dee's Podcasts
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