I checked out the record show over in Springfield today. I came up with a few more drum records for the videos, and a few other random treats. I caught a copy of the 'Getting Straight' soundtrack for $3 which I was pretty siked about. The shows aren't as good as they once were but they are still worth going to. Definitely support vinyl and the record hustle.
For those in the NJ area here are the dates for the 2008 shows:
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Sunday, June, 8, 2008
Sunday, Sept 14, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Doors open at 10:00 am, show runs until 4:00 pm
Held at the Holiday Inn on Route 22 West in Springfield, NJ. Dozens of music dealers and stores represented, selling records, CDs, DVDs, memorabilia. Admission: adults: $6, seniors: $3, kids under 12 admitted free.
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