July 21, 2011

Dujeous - Cinematics

This track is from a hip hop band called Dujeous. If you listened to Stretch & Bobbito circa 1996 this song should be familiar to you. I remember being really impressed when I saw these guys perform this song live at the Wetlands back in the day. Enjoy..

Dujeous - Cinematics


  1. I remember Dujeus from the Rob Swift Ablist ablum:
    "you'll see Dujeus and Rob Swift again my friend". Always thought they were dope and have indeed wanted to see them with Rob again!

  2. i forgot abt that Ablist album I gotta go back and give that another listen

  3. It's spelled Dujeous though homies. Good post, I used to have this vinyl.

  4. word, thanks for correction. I didn't even realize this was a vinyl release
